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Earth Day - How to make recycling part of your everyday life!

I took a little spring break from my blogging but am so excited to talk about something that is very important to me, recycling! My hubby sometimes gets a little frustrated with me because I constantly remind him that something can go in the recycle bin as he's trying to throw it in the trash. Yep, I'm that kind of "person" that will straight up call you out for putting something in the wrong can. I love that I have several friends that are really active in recycling and are constantly thinking of ways we can all be more sustainable in our every day life!

I have the special honor of getting to speak to my son's Pre-K class this Earth Day and lead them in a project while teaching them the importance of recycling. I fully believe that the only way to continue something you must instill the values to the next generation. Both of my boys are already looking at items and asking me if they should go in the recycle bin before putting them in the trash. That's an awesome feeling to know that they are considering their options and analyzing the items.

As we approach Earth Day I cannot wait to share different ways to be more eco friendly for the summer months! Stay tuned over the next few weeks as I go through "An Eco Friendly Summer Break" and give you tips to vamp up your summer pool parties and cook outs to not only be fun but be more environmentally friendly!

So, let's start with tips number 1, 2, and 3!

1.) Set out that Recycle Bin!

It's always great to give your friends a little push when it comes to recycling. Now, all of my friends know when they come to my house that they need to save their can tops! I keep a cup out right by the kitchen sink so it is right in front of them. When you have company come over, be sure to make the recycle can and the trash can be beside each other or if you are like me and your recycle can has holes in the bottom to release any yucky leftovers, then place it right by the back door and remind people to place their recyclables out there.

When we are by the pool I keep a recycle can out there because I know 90% of the items that are out there will be cans or plastic bottles and I want them to have an easy reminder of where they should go!

2.) Use plastic, reusable plates versus paper plates!

I know during the spring and summer months we all like to eat outside and who wants to take their nice, breakable expensive dishes outside to eat??? Not me! Paper plates make an easy alternative but not an eco friendly alternative. Instead, grab a set of these adorable melamine plates and bowls for a worry free dining experience. Did I mention they are so cute?!?!?! Check them out on Amazon! A word to the wise, though, most dishes like this are NOT dishwasher safe. You will need to hand wash! If you want a cheaper version, check out the selection at Wal-Mart! I could purchase everything the Pioneer Woman designs and the seasonal plates are so perfect for a summer cookout! To tell you how durable those are, I still have an adorable set I got in college and they are in excellent condition!

What about flat wear? Okay, check out the below set! It is so cute and even comes with a travel pouch if you are going out for a picnic! The fun mirror colors are also super cute for kids to use in their lunch boxes! I think I need a set for my lunch box now! This set even includes chopsticks and straws!

You can also find some really cool compostable and biodegradable disposable flat wear if you would rather do this. It would be great to get these when you are having a group over without feeling guilty with the plastic or playing Recycle police when you are trying to have a good time! These are pretty reasonable prices too so you won't feel guilty or like you have overspent!

3.) The last tip of the day is more for your power bill! I don't know about you but my power bill is OUTRAGEOUS during the summer! Our first bill in our new house just about made me pass out (as did my husband!) because it was so much higher than our other house. Yes, it's a good bit bigger so I expected an increase, but it is also older and under a different company. So...with that said, we use a lot more fans and a lot less of the knocking it down a few degrees so anything I can do to relieve some of the cost is worth looking into. So, during the summer be sure to do your chores at night! Avoid running your washer and dryer as well as your dishwasher during the heat of the day. In Georgia it feels like it is a solid 300 degrees by the time 5 O'clock hits in July, August, and well most of September too so the last thing I need to do is run my dryer. Save yourself some dimes off that power bill and do these types of things later in the evening or first thing in the morning when it is still cool outside. And if you have the option, let your clothes hang up in the sun and air dry. They have such a warm summer smell to them but just watch out for those mid-afternoon thunderstorms!! LOL. More tips on your power bill cost and how we can all reduce it during the heat of the summer will be coming up in another blog soon!

Stay tuned as I go over some more eco friendly summer tips over the next few weeks. Hint, my next one is going to be on Sunscreen and avoiding toxins!

Happy Manic Monday Y'all!

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