A Buggy O' Book Bags
I love finding a good deal! When you have your own organization that's funding is strictly based on donations, you have to get creative and look for sales. I was not feeling well but I still needed to run an errand before I got the boys from school so I said I would make a super quick trip to Wal-Mart (yeah, because all trips there are quick!) While I was speeding through the aisles I thought about the book bags that had been on sale and decided I would see if any were still there. To my surprise they were marked down to $2.44 each! That is crazy and an amazing deal so I began loading up my cart without even counting. I was going to get all of them. A sales associate stopped and asked me was I getting them all and I told her yes. She scanned the bar code and told me they were actually reduced to $2.00! I said, "Holy Moly" and I just started loading them faster. She then asked me what I was going to do with all of them so I started explaining the Queen of Bags and my mission, my title, my platform. She got the whole spill as she helped me load them. As I neared the front of the store all giddy and giggling with my buggy 'o book bags, I noticed people were looking and could tell their minds were turning. One of the managers stopped me and asked what in the world I was doing with all those bags?! (Ps, as a bit of background, I worked at this Wal-Mart when I was in college, so some of the long time employees still know me. She is one of them!) I loved getting to tell her and the other co-worker standing with her what I was doing. The lady behind me in the checkout asked was I doing something with my church. That opened up the door for me to tell her about the Queen of Bags. Next was the cashier. She and I struck up a conversation and I told her the whole story. As I was loading them up another women walked up to me and said, "I heard you talking about your missing. Here's a little something to help you out! Keep up the good work." She stuck a $20.00 in my hand, smiled, and walked off. Just wow, I was so thankful because this $20.00 donation would purchase 10 bags!
I had no idea when I walked into Wal-Mart not feeling well and trying to hurry that I would end up taking about three times as long as I had planned and have the opportunity to make an amazing purchase while witnessing to so many people about my initiative. You never know who is watching you make an impact so remember, no good deed goes unnoticed! If you are volunteering or giving back, keep it up. You are doing an amazing job and there's someone out there who is proud of you, looking up to you, wanting to be more like you. If you look to God to lead your paths, He will turn others to you to be an example for Him.
PS, I loved watching my husband's face when I got home because he knew he had to find storage for them until I can them stuffed. LOL.